Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Carbon Strategy

Mastour ReadyMix provides its customers with high-quality branded Ready mix concrete and cement products for their construction needs
Climate change is considered one of the most critical global challenges of our time. We acknowledge the local and global challenges posed by climate change, and are committed to applying our skills, technologies, and determination to reduce the contribution of our operations and our industry to climate change. Climate change is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, primarily CO2, in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is widely believed that this phenomenon is the result of human activity, including the burning of fossils fuels for energy and also emissions derived from a variety of agricultural and industrial processes. Minimizing climate change and its consequences is a critical global challenge. The global cement industry produces about five percent of all manmade CO2 emissions.1 This greenhouse gas is generated chiefly in the production of clinker (the main ingredient in cement). Clinker is produced in large rotary kilns by processing limestone, clay, and other minerals under very high temperatures (>1,400 °C or 2,500 °F). CO2 results from the fuel combustion required to achieve such high temperatures and from the chemical decomposition of limestone into lime and CO2. Compared to these emissions, other sources, mainly the transport of raw materials and final products and emissions related to the generation of electricity that Mastour ReadyMix consumes, are very small, but still offer an opportunity to reduce our total footprint.

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